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2019-11-02 更新



-人员管理People Management
1. 为员工创作一个安全和方便的工作环境
Create a safe and convenient working environment to our employee
2. 协调相关的培训安排并跟进培训部的计划
Coordinate related training arrangement and follow up with training department
3. 给员工关于他们表现的有效反馈
Give efficient feedback to the employee regarding their performance
4. 用积极的方式鼓励员工完成销售目标
Encourage our employee in a positive manner in order to achieve store targets
5. 保证店铺员工像排班,出勤,请假等等行为按照HR政策执行
Make sure HR policy is compiled by store employee, such as duty roster, attendance, leaves etc
6. 严格执行丝芙兰员工手册规则和店铺标准操作程序
Following strictly & enforcing the Sephora Employee Handbook and Store SOPs.

-销售管理Sales Management
1. 根据消费者需要,创造一个充满激情的环境,包括对产品的了解,客户的满意度和提供最好的专家意见
Create a passionate environment of product understanding, customer satisfaction & delivery of the best “expertise” based on consumer needs
2. 根据每小时实际的表现,对每日销售目标做出快速反应,以完成最终目标
Take prompt reaction to the daily sales target based on actual hourly performance in order to achieve final goal
3. 根据每日交通情况和销售高峰,有组织地计划最佳的员工出勤安排
To plan a strong & well organized Roster optimizing the on duty employee based on daily traffic & sales peaks

- 店内货品及固定资产管理Merchandizing and fixed asset management
1. 确保仓库货物的安全保存
Make sure our Merchandizing is safely stored in the storage room
2. 保护所有固定资产不受破坏并在必要时申请维护
Protect all fixed asset from damaging and request for maintenance if needed
3. 协助店铺经理监督店铺的损益
Assist store manager to monitor store P&L
4. 确保有组织地管理仓库,与店铺团队紧密联系以保证及时妥当地提供有需要的产品
Ensure the organized management of storage room, to work closely with store team to keep the needed products and testers in order

-现金管理Cash management
1. 监督收银台以保证收银工作井然有序
Monitor cashiering process smoothly at the cashier desk
2. 维持店铺适当的现金流动
Maintain proper cash flow at the store
3. 为按期完成店铺报销指定适当的计划
Make a proper plan for store reimbursement in order to meet the deadlines
4. 配合财务部及时支付租金
Pay the rental bill timely by coordinating with Finance department

-客户关系管理CRM Management
1. 配合总部客户关系管理团队,确保良好地实行了公司的客户关系管理战略和政策
Coordinate with HQ CRM team to ensure the smoothly implementation of company’s CRM strategy and policies
2. 能够快速地给顾客所有关于客户关系相关问题的反馈
Be able to give quick feedback to customers about all CRM-related questions and issues
3. 巩固所有顾客的反馈,与店铺团队制定适当的行动计划以提高与顾客关系
Consolidate all customers’ feedback, and make proper action plan with store team in order to improve customer relations
4. 严格地实行丝芙兰的客户关系管理政策和策略,避免任何客户关系欺骗事件发生
To strictly follow and secure the implementation of Sephora’s CRM Policies and Strategies to avoid any CRM fraud case from happening

职位要求 Qualifications

1. 具有3年以上店铺营运或销售管理经验
>3 yrs store operation or sales management experience
2. 至少从事过1年或以上团队管理工作
>1 yr team management experience
3. 有零售,酒店,快消等相关行业从业经验者优先
Retailing,FMCG and hospitality industry working background is preferred
4. 性格开朗,善于与人沟通
Passionate and open to the others
5. 逻辑性强,且注重细节
Logical think mind- set and detail-oriented
6. 团结诚恳
Integrity and honesty
7. 有激情,有动力,恪守承诺
Passionate/ drive / commitment /
8. 团队管理
Team management
9. 交流
10. 学习敏捷
Leaning agility
11. 领导能力

